Thank you to our top supporters for their generous donations in 2014!

Every year we receive donations from some very generous people and we would like assure our supporters that your donations really do make a difference.

Did you know that a donation of just £3 will pay to keep our food bank topped up, enabling us to feed a hungry young person?

Any donation, large or small, will be put to good use and helps us to continue to provide our much needed services to people aged 12-25 in the New Forest area.

We would like to say a big thank you to everyone who donated in 2014, especially our top supporters, who’s donations meant we could continue to make a big difference to young peoples’ lives.

Support in the form of large grants and donations from Children in Need, the Big Lottery, and the Tudor Trust enabled us to keep our doors open and provide the daily services that young people need.

Some donations allow us to give young people the things they need to move forward in their lives – for example, donations from the Greggs Foundation and the Denplan Community Fund paid for homeless packs, health and hygiene packs, and interview clothing.

The Co-operative Group and the Comic Relief Community Grant funded our much used counselling services.

Other donations from Trinity Church in Totton, The Barker-Mill Foundation, and the New Forest Golf Club simply meant that we could continue to do what we do and help improve the lives of young people in the New Forest.

Again, we would like to thank everyone who donated or raised funds for us in 2014.

We look forward to your continued support in 2015!

