A recent project by Young People in Mind/Youth Access has shown that GPs and other professionals are increasingly bypassing CAHMS and sending young people directly to charities and organisations where they know they’ll be helped.
The survey also showed that these young people are highly vulnerable and the issues dealt with by youth charity counselling services are increasingly complex.
The five most common presenting issues were:
– Depression (reported by 43% of young people)
– General anxiety/stress (32%)
– General confidence/self-esteem (27%)
– Self harm (25%)
– Suicidal thoughts (20%)
Additionally, nearly a quarter of young people in the study presented with suicidal thoughts or had made a suicide attempt.
Here at It’s Your Choice we know that all of these findings are only too true and we try our best to meet the needs of New Forest young people with mental health issues.
You can read the full report here.