underage drinking

Most young people on their journey into adulthood will experiment with drugs and/or alcohol. For some this may occur without any negative consequences, for others things can sometimes go a little wrong and this is why we offer drug and alcohol support.

Our Drug and Alcohol service aims to educate young people about substance abuse so that they can make informed choices about what they put into their bodies. There are a lot of untruths and misconceptions surrounding drugs and alcohol and this in itself can be dangerous.

By helping young people at drop-in sessions and on a one to one basis we can ensure they know about the physical, mental, and emotional effects of drug and alcohol abuse. There is so much more to drugs and alcohol than just the immediate effects.

For example, when you have a drink or smoke cannabis do you think about the sexual health risks or the long term health implications? Probably not, but it all goes hand in hand!

Anyone can refer themselves, or a friend/family member in need, to the drug and alcohol support service. Everything you say is confidential and you can talk to us about anything that’s bothering you.

Visit our Find Us page for the locations and times of our free drop-in services if you would like to talk about drug and alcohol related issues.